Hi there! Welcome to Heartcore Ministries and thank you for taking the interest and time to visit us!
Millions of people every day are searching for answers to daily life challenges in an ever demanding society and complex world and increasingly more people are searching for the purpose of life on this planet and their unique individual part in it. The rock band Roxette had a hit song many years ago called Listen to your Heart which gives a hint of where to start in this search. The Bible says that the issues of life flow from the heart, but in a world filled with daily noise, information overload and social media distractions - the only way to connect with your own heart is to be found in a place of quietness and stillness - where deep calls to deep and where the still small voice of God is heard.
Heartcore Ministries unashamedly believe that one’s identity, purpose and eternal life can only be found in a living relationship with the Almighty Creator of the universe through His Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the world. Up to date, Jesus Christ stays the most influential Person that has ever walked on this planet, the only Person who split time in half (BC/AC), date and time on earth are based on His birth day, the most love songs on earth are written about Him and the Bible still being the best seller book throughout history. These facts alone are a staggering testimony of who He is, what He did and what He said about the future of planet earth.
We trust that your visit with us will inspire you into an ever deeper walk with God or if you are just curiously investigating and still seeking for truth - may your visit with us lead you to divine surprises you never thought possible. May God guide you on your way in finding The Way until you find yourself singing that old hymn with new meaning...Amazing grace, how sweet the sound... I once was lost...but now I’m found!
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