Proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom through the teaching of the Word of God.
Restoration of the Lord’s House of Prayer by teaching the body of Christ and churches to become houses of prayer - both individually and corporately, raising up prayer warriors and a network of prayer hubs in homes and suburbs while restoring the Tabernacle of David through prophetic worship and intercession.
Disciple believers through personal discipleship and our disciple website and establishing disciple schools in houses and other creative venues- starting in our local city, then our province, then the nation and internationally - training disciples to make disciples and continually duplicating the process.
Raising up and training modern day Josephs through The Joseph Company - mentoring men to walk with the mantle of Joseph in humility and integrity doing business God’s way functioning as heavenly paymasters and kingdom storehouse stewards of provision and wealth for God’s people in these last days.
Life coaching for individuals (adults & school children) helping them to identify their true calling and life mission on earth (career calling) by a creative and practical guidance process. This process has been designed to discover one’s true identity and heart rhythm which will lead you into a life of purpose, fulfilment and success. Learn also the TEN natural rhythms of life and how to apply them in your own life which will bring simplicity, focus, peace and joy back into your life in the midst of a stressful, competitive, and demanding society.
Authorship and production of simplistic empowering book resources helping believers to understand and return to the basics of kingdom life and discover the simplistic ways of God in a complex world.
Teaching and understanding the Kingdom through prophetic art and paintings conveying spiritual truths on canvas and other means of creative art.
Identify partners with like minded kingdom values formulating and establishing divine strategies for extending and advancing the kingdom of God.
DO YOU HAVE a need or an interest in one or more of our ministry activities above? For more information please contact us now.
If you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you to sow into this ministry
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